Monday, 14 March 2011

Friday night outreach - Woking Town Centre

I assume that Outreach by its nature is always challenging for believers. Over the last couple of months we have struggled with low numbers for the Friday outreach and yet still God had used the people able to be there. Last two weeks have seen a good turnout and please pray that this trend will continue.    


It seems as though God has crossed our paths with quite a few people from completely different backgrounds and with different values who simply want to talk in depth about what is on their minds. The time we are living in seems to be one of great confusion, with so many contradictory ideas about right and wrong, and we need God’s truth and revelation through His word to be able to cut to heart of matters.


Some of the people we’ve spoken with such as Paul; a guy with a great generosity of spirit, but very troubled about injustice. Why are people who do wrong getting away with it, was his main question. Why is there so much injustice and trouble for ‘good’ people? It’s a big question and we know that one day God will judge all things, but what about now? These are the kinds of questions people have & if we’re honest we certainly don’t always have the answers. But we can know that God does and sometimes even just pointing a person to Him is a seed well sown.


What’s the difference between a Christian and a Roman Catholic? That question has been broached in at least three recent conversations. Our answer has generally been, I think, that we’re all Christians, but that different denominations are different expressions of the same thing ultimately. We are united by what we believe about Jesus.


On the lighter side of things, it’s amazing how many people do not understand the idea of giving something away for free? Why not take a collection and then donate it to good causes we are asked? But of course we know that the Gospel is about more than just free tea, coffee and sweets. It’s great though that something as simple as that can peek so much curiosity.


This is just scratching the surface by way of update, but if you are curious enough to help with dishing out sweets, hot drinks and of course Gospel Tracts when the 11.30 rush hits with teenagers & young adults piling off the Guildford train, you would be most welcome. God Bless you & see you soon.


Friday nights – meet at the YMCA Chobham Road (near BHS) at 9.30pm and the Outreach is between 10pm & 12.00am each Friday night under the cover town-side next to Woking Station.


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