Saturday, 5 February 2011

Miracles are happening in Woking!

We had a great time again last night at the town centre outreach.  We had a small team of five but had a significant presence and impact in Woking Town Centre nonetheless.  At one point a guy called Josh came up and asked for a cup of coffee.  I recognised him from a time he had come to the table just before Christmas.  When we saw Josh then, he was in a fairly desperate state because his young daughter was seriously ill with Cancer.  He described how her illness had dominated his family’s life for some time and how he was really struggling to cope with things now that the illness had become “really serious”.  Josh explained that he usually wouldn’t normally go out into Woking of a Friday evening but that he had simply needed to get away from everything.  At that time we prayed for Josh and entrusted him and his family to God.


When Josh came last night he was a different person.  He shared with us that since that time of prayer his daughter’s health had improved and that the doctors had just put her into “maintenance”, which apparently means that there is no more Cancer in her body.  What a great testimony!  Let’s pray that God will continue to use these events to speak to Josh and his family for some time to come.


We also spoke to others struggling with illness, homelessness, relationship breakdown, injustice and of course those who simply don’t believe.  As always God was with us and gave us several opportunities to talk to people and pray with others.


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