Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Real Life Stuff

Last night I went out again with the fabulous Old Woking group. Such faith, humility and bravery. Turns out, they're just like you and me; they know what they have to do and sometimes a little voice tells them they'd rather be indoors watching TV. But fortunately, (as if fortune had anything to do with anything) they ignore that voice and they get on with the task in hand. I have come to learn from experience, that tiredness evaporates when you're outside, and the rewards are far greater than those you'd get watching TV.

Last night I was broken hearted when I heard of a conversation one of the leaders had had with a young person - maybe 12/13. While I played rounders (stupid, I know, nearly 60 and my bones really do ache, but hey, it was fun), the leader and young person were talking for some time about a hundred yards away.
Can't go into great detail here, but this young person is worried that she might, when she's an adult, suffer the mental illnesses that have taken her parents away from her. I can only guess at what this must be like. Effectively she has no home, no parents to care for her and apparently little hope for the future. She must feel desolate and alone. But for a young leader last night, who wasn't at home watching TV, there would have been no connection, nobody to listen, nobody to pray for her. Oh yes, here was a young person who immediately agreed to prayer! God was on that rec with both of them. I'm totally convinced of it.

Walking back from the rec, we were shown a kitten by one of the lads who played rounders. I've written before that he uses language that would make you immediately cup your hands over your mother's ears, and last night was no exception. Having decried rounders as a 'girls' game' - words used were slightly different to those written here - he led a team that proceeded to thrash the team I was on. Not hard to do, given the geriatric No. 7 batsman/wicket keeper (whatever). Anyway, with this kitten he showed great tenderness and care. I called him an 'old softie' and he responded, 'I may have a mouth on me, but I really love animals'. Someone who is capable of loving anything that is part of God's creation is, in my book, very special indeed. What's more, he knows he has a mouth on him and it made me realise that he uses this to get attention. Maybe his 'mouth' will cease to function as it does currently, if someone pays him attention.

Phil met with the young lad I wrote about last week. A short but positive meeting this time. All in God's good time.

Last night marked a momentous occasion. It was agreed that the Old Woking group will form under the Outside Light umbrella. Outside Light will essentially provide the back-office administration for them and it will seek to grow further groups wider afield. We all loved the vision of a bus, that can be used different days of the week in different places. I also mentioned the idea of a Spinnakers type sailing week-end/week away. This was an idea given me by a lovely chap from my church. He and I have both been on these trips and have taken youngsters away with excellent results. It's for the future but with enough support from churches and church families, it sounds like another idea with real potential.

Priorities - prayers are needed, please:

1) Young person on the rec.
2) Young lad who loves animals
3) Forming Outside Light into a charity and all this entails - policy, form etc
4) Vision of a bus and the logistics - where to keep it :o) and so on
5) Vision of Spinnakers' week-ends
5) Thanks for the faithfulness of those already doing this work in Old Woking
6) Most importantly, pray for the leaders. Upset Satan and you can expect attack. He's not going to sit around waiting for the next blow. There are already signs of this happening in changes that have taken place in leaders' lives, changes in tempo, worklives and family.

7) Pray for stengthening of the team. We shall be looking for Trustees in due course. If you feel a tug on your heart, please pray about this. I think initially we shall need seven people - it's a good number. Any accountants out there? :o)
8) Pray for Monday evening when we'll go out for the second time on the rec by Alexandra Gardens. Adults who have been CRB-checked are more than welcome to join us.

Encouraging words from Barbara:
“Encourage the young people, encourage the children, encourage their leaders. Be like children yourselves, come to God the Father.”

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