Tuesday, 3 June 2008

No More Sunshine

I guess its only to be expected - lows follow highs, and this morning was a low point for me. Prayer was a real struggle, tiredness and anxiety all featured. Doubt crept in too, and for the first time since I started on this journey I felt that I lacked the energy to go out with the Old Woking group this evening.

But, I'm glad I did go. Phil's team were just as faithful, focussed and ready to fight for the Lord. Their energy was palpable and by the end of the evening some of it rubbed off. I'm glad to say that on my way home I felt connected to God again, and uplifted.

We went out from the church as three groups, praying to meet with three specific people. Marcelle and I hoped to meet a young lad who had been given a bible some weeks ago. Instead we met his mother and had an interesting conversation with her that I can't really repeat here. She did, however, share some information about her son that will be helpful in time to come. Nancy and Claire met with their person and had a reasonably positive conversation. Phil and Nick met with the person they'd prayed to meet; he'd just had an argument with someone, was 'ashen-faced', and seemed open to talk. Phil took the opportunity to tell him that Jesus loves him, and then the lad's mates turned up wanting a game of pool. Interestingly, he told them that he was going to play a game with Phil so they went away, leaving Phil and Nick still able to chat to him. PLEASE pray for this lad. He has an extremely troubled life and needs to know that he's cared for.

Practical measures taken this week include sumitting an insurance proposal for Public Liability Insurance. Meeting tomorrow with Ypod, to see whether there are opportunitie for working with one another. Follow-up email from Sarah Henderson of Woking Council wanting to discuss further the possibility of Horsell Common dedicating some land for use by young people. Several missed calls between me and Andrew Hargreaves re the redundant sea container idea. I discoverd today he's been off ill, but he's emailed to say that he hopes to be back in the harness tomorrow.

I do feel that this week has been about spiritual attack, other things have happened too that have opened my eyes to this. In a way this is a great thing because it's confirmation that we're denting Satan's pride. Thank God that we are working in His strength, not our own!

Prayer is therefore needed, please, now perhaps more than ever.

Love to you all


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