Saturday, 30 October 2010

Friday Update

God was moving on the streets of Woking again last night. He is so faithful! Hallelujah and Amen!

We started the evening off with 1 Corinthians 12 and reflected on how we all have a vital part to play in the body of Christ and how we are meant to be interdependent not independent.

We were a small team of 5 and once again perfectly formed ;-) I would like to welcome Naomi to our team. Naomi attends Send Evangelical Church and the Holy Spirit spoke to her last Sunday morning. Her work shift finished earlier than expected so she was able to come! She fitted in so well with the team and God used her in many conversations. Praise God!

I also want to thank the other team members (you know who you are!) for their unfailing faithfulness and their love for the broken people we are privileged to minister to.

We christened the new Thermos flasks and enjoyed very hot drinks!

We talked to lots of people and prayed with several and each of us have our own memories of people who touched us.

I would ask you to pray for A, a singer songwriter who periodically attends the catholic Church. Pray that the Holy Spirit touches her heart and she hears a call to come back to Jesus to know Him in an intimate and personal way. She gave Andrew her contact details and partly suggested she may be interested in getting involved.

G has lost a close friend and she was asking lots of questions, bravely ignoring the jeering of her friends. She allowed us to pray for her and Amanda did this with sensitivity. Her friends were trying to pull her away and she told them to give her a few minutes. She is a neighbour of Jack's. Pray that  she will wake up today and remember what God was saying to her, that she will gain strength and comfort and that Jack will be able to come alongside her and direct her to appropriate support.

B caught us at the end of the evening. We were all pretty sure we've seen him before. He was fixated on how black people came to the world, given that Adam and Eve were 'white'. He was pretty calm but argumentative and really didn't want to hear what we were saying........but he just kept on coming back for more!!! Pray that his ears will be opened and that God will speak to him.

Please pray for Graham. He was not there last night and we were not totally sure of the outcome of Monday. I hope that he may be able to pick up emails  at some point......not sure though. Please pray for peace, strength and an overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit now and over the next few months.

There were more people we spoke to so,  finally, please pray for them too!

We are hoping to arrange some training on reaching out to other faiths. It will be on a Friday night, prior to going out. I will let you know the details as soon as I have a date.

Its all for the glory of Jesus!!

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