Outside Light is a grass-roots collection of Christians who spread the Gospel. Any ordinary Christian can pitch what's on their heart to the OL team. If we feel we can help, we'll provide support to make it happen.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Cold is the new Hot
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
More Encouragement from Friday Night
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Thursday and Tonight -Tuesday
On Tuesday we had a really good night, although John H was stymied by a computer virus in from America that attacked his company's servers - quite a big deal seeing as he works for one of the Internet's major companies.
We had pizza, games were played, nails painted, conversations had. The only negative was an 8-year old who tried to walk off with a volunteer's Blackberry.
Mostly we had a really good evening - up to the last ten minutes when one lad lost his temper and tipped up three of the dustbins outside - rubbish all over the place. This is one of the lads we prayed for last week. I tried asking what his problem was but he wasn't in a mood to respond. So many of these kids have anger issues and it doesn't take much to set them off. There again, given the lives that some of them have been dealt, it's not that surprising. Up until then he was funny and chatty. Something happened to change that - I think he chipped his tooth on a lolly. It really doesn't take much but who knows what other straws were loaded onto this particular camel's back?
The other problem was yet ANOTHER broken tap. It's only a piece of plastic that broke - but whichever way you look at it, it's bust. To New Life, yet again, we're really sorry.
Apart from these two incidents the rest of the evening was very chilled with no problems. Esther (our newest volunteer) chatted to the girls. Nick made and cooked pizzas which the kids ate like they'd never eaten anything before - and I drifted, generally amazed that I wasn't having to stop any fights. And after everything had calmed down and most of the kids had left, a few stayed behind to hoover and mop the floors and a half-dozen of those stayed a little longer for prayer.
This is becoming a regular thing now and I really believe we're starting to see lives change. Just a few embers that we'd love to help fan into flame over the coming weeks.
Next week is the Outside Light Prayer meeting - Tuesday at Holy Trinity Church, Knaphill. Please come along if you're free.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Roller-Coaster Drop-In
New Life Church had a special service taking place at the same time, so the main challenge was to keep the kids from getting through the doors - a task that needed to be undertaken by two of us (had there been just Nick and me, we wouldn't have coped this week - God is indeed good) - even then they almost squeezed through on a few occasions and had to be caught and brought back in. On one of those occasions I was threatened with a head-butting, which resulted in Nick barring the lad for two weeks - we won't tolerate threats to volunteers, even the 6'5" ones like me. The very satisfactory outcome was that the lad apologised to me before leaving for home. Nick's 'word' with him had the desired effect and we shook hands.
Much of the extra work resulted from two brothers attending simultaneously - where in previous weeks one of them had been unwell so only one turned up. These lads are a handful as individuals (not unlike a certain Outside Light team member was at around their age), but together their impact is more than equal to the sum of their two parts and we need eyes in the backs of our heads to keep track of them. That said, Nick kept one of them busy in the kitchen making smoothies for quite a while - a task that the lad seemed to enjoy. We'd really appreciate it if you could pray in particular for these boys.
Again at the end of the evening several of the lads stayed behind and helped us clear up - I think this was the messiest I've ever seen the kitchen - unsurprising given who was the chief smoothie-maker. Many hands make Outside Light work though, and it didn't take long before we all had sat down for prayer again.
Two of the lads had asked us last week to pray that they'd be taken off report - one was. Another lad asked us to pray that he'd be able to get an education. It seems he's been excluded from local schools and is being sent to a boarding school - he doesn't want to go but he's clever enough to realise he's unlikely to get a job without an education. Something of a dilemma for him.
It'd be fantastic if you could find time to pray for these lads and redouble your efforts, please, in prayer for next week's drop-in.
Thanks again for your prayers this past week.
Friday, 5 November 2010
Prayer Meeting for Outside Light 23rd November
Please spread the word and get the date into your diaries that we are having a prayer meeting for Outside Light from 7.30 to 9.30 pm on the 23rd of November at Holy Trinity Church, Chobham Road, Knaphill, GU21 2SX - link
It will be a time of fellowship, worship, some short teaching and prayer. We think these are vital meetings and really important for the volunteers to come to in order to receive prayer and support.
Could you pass this on to prayer partners, supporters, interested parties and encourage as many along as you can to join us.
Grace, Grace, Grace
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Thursday, 4th November
After hearing of disruptions at the Tuesday meetings in Old Woking, I dropped in – after an absence of five months – in case an extra pair of hands would help. Had I kept up with the most recent news I might have been prepared for what I witnessed, but I hadn’t. It was truly shocking.
There was no aggravation, only a really good vibe; no punch-ups or verbal fisticuffs, only polite conversation. When Nick called ‘time’, the majority walked without a murmur, and those that stayed got stuck into tidying up. I even had a broom taken off me by one of the boys because the job had been allocated to him. And after everything was tidy, five boys joined us for the prayer de-brief, where the broom-boy straightaway opened up about difficulties at school and his concern that things were unravelling again; he wanted it to be put right. The difference in him during the evening had probably been the most remarkable, but it was by no means the only change.
One girl who had been a school-refuser told me how she had a plan in place with a new school where she felt really comfortable. It was so refreshing to see her smiling. Another, who had been exploring the boundary-line last time I was around, was chatty and showed me her art-work, a talent I never knew she had before. What humbled me the most was their warmth after I had taken a necessary (but unexplained) step back from their lives; their acceptance reminded me what an honour it is to have been involved in this corner of God’s work.
God has made sure that the recent disruption has been put to His use. Prayer is central – that vibe couldn’t have been achieved without the prayer support from various homes. Judging by Tuesday night, the strong line taken in recent weeks has really hit home and the young people have responded by reining in their behaviour and taking responsibility with both hands. It was always the plan to enable them to become responsible for themselves and others in the running of the ‘club’ (their word) and it’s a huge encouragement to see that starting to evolve.
Sure, the devil doesn’t like to see things going well and there’s no guarantee that things will be so rosy next week, but all those involved should be encouraged and motivated to keep going and to PRAY because a lot of ground has been covered and it won’t go to waste!
Isaiah 40:26-31
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Friday Update
God was moving on the streets of Woking again last night. He is so faithful! Hallelujah and Amen!
We started the evening off with 1 Corinthians 12 and reflected on how we all have a vital part to play in the body of Christ and how we are meant to be interdependent not independent.
We were a small team of 5 and once again perfectly formed ;-) I would like to welcome Naomi to our team. Naomi attends Send Evangelical Church and the Holy Spirit spoke to her last Sunday morning. Her work shift finished earlier than expected so she was able to come! She fitted in so well with the team and God used her in many conversations. Praise God!
I also want to thank the other team members (you know who you are!) for their unfailing faithfulness and their love for the broken people we are privileged to minister to.
We christened the new Thermos flasks and enjoyed very hot drinks!
We talked to lots of people and prayed with several and each of us have our own memories of people who touched us.
I would ask you to pray for A, a singer songwriter who periodically attends the catholic Church. Pray that the Holy Spirit touches her heart and she hears a call to come back to Jesus to know Him in an intimate and personal way. She gave Andrew her contact details and partly suggested she may be interested in getting involved.
G has lost a close friend and she was asking lots of questions, bravely ignoring the jeering of her friends. She allowed us to pray for her and Amanda did this with sensitivity. Her friends were trying to pull her away and she told them to give her a few minutes. She is a neighbour of Jack's. Pray that she will wake up today and remember what God was saying to her, that she will gain strength and comfort and that Jack will be able to come alongside her and direct her to appropriate support.
B caught us at the end of the evening. We were all pretty sure we've seen him before. He was fixated on how black people came to the world, given that Adam and Eve were 'white'. He was pretty calm but argumentative and really didn't want to hear what we were saying........but he just kept on coming back for more!!! Pray that his ears will be opened and that God will speak to him.
Please pray for Graham. He was not there last night and we were not totally sure of the outcome of Monday. I hope that he may be able to pick up emails at some point......not sure though. Please pray for peace, strength and an overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit now and over the next few months.
There were more people we spoke to so, finally, please pray for them too!
We are hoping to arrange some training on reaching out to other faiths. It will be on a Friday night, prior to going out. I will let you know the details as soon as I have a date.
Its all for the glory of Jesus!!
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Miracles Do Happen in Old Woking
The night before last night Nick and I prayed together with Rachael his wife in preparation for last evening, that as Jesus did in Mark 6, he'd get into the boat with us and calm the storm. We really believed before we got there that the spiritual atmosphere would change at the drop-in, and that's exactly what happened.
The evening's highlight for me was the help given to us by a couple of the older lads. Not only did they help control the younger ones, but they also helped get equipment out and put it away again - and they hoovered, mopped, washed up and cleared up. They were brilliant - and the big surprise was that one of them last year was obnoxious to the point that I had to leave the building for half an hour before I did something very unChristian to him. I can't believe the change in him - and I put that entirely down to prayer. It was another specific prayer the night before last that we'd see a change in this lad - and I know that Nick has been praying for that for some time.
Nick and I would like to thank, firstly, the other volunteers and numerous others for supporting the evening in prayer. It worked - big time! We'd like to thank the New Life Church Elders for their support - they decided not to charge Outside Light for the earlier damage caused. They understand what we're trying to do and they support us. We feel really blessed by that. And we'd like to thank Jesus for getting into the boat with us and stilling the storm - we know that He WAS the difference. Mark 6: 47-51.
A couple of points that I take from this passage: 1) is that we're not promised there will be no storms, but we must have faith that He's in control. 2) Jesus was about to pass them by until they cried out. That bit's very interesting.
Thanks to Him
Friday, 22 October 2010
Thursdays - Relationships are building
Outside Light on Thursday Light is proving to be succesful. We are starting
to forge some good relationships with the local kids and have had the
opportunity to hold some interesting conversations and gain an understanding
on what's happening in their lives. Some of the kids, who at the beginning
didnt want to talk to us, are starting to open up and its been great to see
this transformation. Last night we had an unusual situation when an
estranged dad turned up and judging by the girl's reaction it wasn't an
entirely welcomed visit. JD explained to him that he couldnt stay as adults
need a valid CRB and after about 10 minutes he went. He looked the worse for
wear. Prayers were said afterwards for the girl and her family.
It's nearly always best at the end of the evening when the kids leave -
several have started to say thanks. Others call us by our name - one lad
(who only a few weeks ago behaved as though he was from another planet)
shook hands!
We also gave up several copies of Tony Anthony's book, Taming the tiger and
we hope and pray that the words leap off the pages and into the hearts of
the readers and we see transformation.
Many thanks and blessings to you all,
John Holland
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Church without walls....
George Osborn
Avanti Ministries Ltd
6 Clarence Road
Essex SS1 1AN
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1702 333 319
Email: georgeosborn@avantiministries.com
latest news: www.4shared.com/get/ou9r3Vz4/George_Newsletter_Autumn_10.html
My story: www.sendec.org/media/sermons/?sermon_id=105
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
We Didn't Open This Evening
Following on from last week's episode we decided again this evening not to open the Old Woking drop-in.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Outside Light Church Services - Coming Up
Send Evangelical Church
10 Broadmead Road, Send,
GU23 7AD
7th November 6.30pm
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Old Woking and Knaphill - Chalk and Cheese
This Thursday just gone at The King's House was, in comparison to Old Woking, heaven. Most of the evening the kids chatted, played on the Wii, played cards, decorated their fingernails, chatted some more and ate Pizza. We're really starting to build relationships there. The worst thing that happened was some of the local 'hard men' who are in reality as hard as immature Cheddar, decided to throw some of the pizza at each other, outside of the building. At the end of the evening as we finished packing up, a half-dozen girls came in and apologised on behalf of the other kids. Then they added how much they appreciate us opening for them, and that they know that we're all volunteers and that we don't have to do anything for them. Wow! I can't tell you how thankful we all were to hear what they had to say.
- For those who are badly behaved and for whom there isn't really much hope of a future outside of prison.
- For those in Old Woking who are sensible and who find their lives blighted by those around them (for example by our closure of the drop-in through no fault of theirs).
- For the volunteers in Old Woking - to tell you the truth I worry for our ladies in particular. They're brave but I really think we could do with some more men to help.
- For improved relationships, not only in Old Woking but also Knaphill - to build upon the foundations that are firmest in both places.
- For the volunteers in Knaphill - to give thanks for those we have and to ask God for more to help so that the load can be spread.
- For more of the Holy Spirit in all Outside Light ventures.
- For more wisdom, especially in challenging circumstances.
- For the two OUTSIDE LIGHT church services that are about to take place, the first at Send Church on the 24th and the next at Holy Trinity Church, Knaphill, on the 31st.
God is good, God is faithful and God uses us all in our weakness!
Andy and I talked to a couple of muslim young men who questioned us intently and intensely on our faith and on occasions seemed 'hell bent' on tripping us up. It was an animated discussion and we parted company with a wave, smile and an encouragement for us to keep up the great work we are doing. A side note here is that many of the muslims we come across all approve of what we are doing and think its right that we should be telling people about our belief in Jesus! it would be great to spend a session sometime looking at how we can effectively reach out to this group.
We prayed for T who has just come out of prison and is an alcoholic. He wants to turn his life around and be able to support his wife and 3 children. He is 27 today!
George and Anrdew spent a long time talking to 2 separate men, one had lost his job and the other was wrestling with karma etc.
There were many other conversations which i havent noted and these were of equal value!
Thank you to a great team and I would ask you all to pray that everyone we talked to last night would be open to the Holy Spirit and that God would work in their lives.
We want everything we do to glorify the name of Jesus!
Same time, same place next week - please join us ;-)
Friday Reaching Out
Last night a small but perfectly formed team ventured onto the wet and dreary streets of Woking. It was a fairly quiet night but we had some significant conversations and the opportunity to pray for people.
Andy and I talked to a couple of muslim young men who questioned us intently and intensely on our faith and on occasions seemed 'hell bent' on tripping us up. It was an animated discussion and we parted company with a wave, smile and an encouragement for us to keep up the great work we are doing. A side note here is that many of the muslims we come across all approve of what we are doing and think its right that we should be telling people about our belief in Jesus! it would be great to spend a session sometime looking at how we can effectively reach out to this group.
We prayed for T who has just come out of prison and is an alcoholic. He wants to turn his life around and be able to support his wife and 3 children. He is 27 today!
George and Anrdew spent a long time talking to 2 separate men, one had lost his job and the other was wrestling with karma etc.
There were many other conversations which i havent noted and these were of equal value!
Thank you to a great team and I would ask you all to pray that everyone we talked to last night would be open to the Holy Spirit and that God would work in their lives.
We want everything we do to glorify the name of Jesus!
Same time, same place next week - please join us ;-)
Saturday, 25 September 2010
New Look Blog - and Latest News
Tomorrow is the first of a series of church services in which Outside Light will be making a presentation. This one's at Calvary Church - which meets at Goldsworth Primary School at 10am next to Bridge Barn.
This is George's new video that'll get first showing tomorrow.
The couple who were about to be made homeless have moved into a semi-detached house that's owned by St Mary of Bethany Church. There's no doubt in our minds that this only came about because of God's intervention - starting with Nancy feeling that she should telephone St Mary of Bethany Church because she'd heard that they sometimes let property. She didn't know at that time that the house had become empty only a couple of weeks earlier.
The response from members of New Life Church to Phil's appeal for funds, was amazing. Others at New Life negotiated with the previous landlord's agent for a 'stay of execution' for a couple of weeks. It was only after the successful outcome of that negotiation that the other property was 'discovered' by Nancy. The paperwork for the new property was done and dusted in super-quick time so that it was possible for the couple to move in last Saturday - which was the day by which they had to move out! All glory to God.
Tuesday night at Old Woking
The drop-in restarted earlier this week, with a bbq that attracted 30 or so youngsters. This was generally a good evening although the youngsters were in high spirits ( a little too high on occasion ).
Thursday night at Knaphill
We started the new drop-in at The King's House two Thursdays ago - and couldn't have hoped for a better start. John Holland's vision and enthusiasm has really helped this off to a great start - with activities such as nail painting (provided by Trina, John's wife) and friendship bracelet making (with Mary). There was a small incident on the first night with one girl trying to take a policeman's hat. But the evening ended with another girl coming back after all the others had left, to apologise for their behaviour and to say thanks for putting on a 'great evening'.
Friday and Monday Nights
Hopefully Phil and George will update us shortly.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
What can I say?
During August the Friday night team has been going to the town centre between 8pm and 12 of a Friday night. They've taken drinks and sweets and met with clubbers/drinkers/revellers, as you might expect, and also with some people who are homeless and others who have massive problems with drugs and alcoholism. They've prayed with people, chatted to them, answered questions, valued them.
Coming from this a small Bible group has started on a Monday night, meeting at New Life Church. Phil will write more about this in due course, but he's been busy trying to help one particular couple who are threatened with imminent homelessness. (It's complicated).
Both Old Woking and Knaphill drop-ins will be starting up again next week, Nick and Paul will be leading the Old Woking group based at New Life Church. John Holland is heading-up the new Thursday evening drop-in which is to be based at The King's House. Tonight several of us walked around Knaphill handing out leaflets promoting the new Thursday drop-in and we met around eight or so of the kids who are well-known to us and are looking forward to the free pizza. Free pizza's always guaranteed to get their attention. Thing is though, they saw us walking toward them in the park and while we were still 20 yards away they were shouting hi to us and were really chatty and pleased to see us.
We're hoping to be able to provide activities for them so we're really, really praying for Christians with skills such as nail painting, crafts, smoothie-making etc etc, anything that'll be interesting to the young people, to make some occasional time available on either or both Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
There's a need for young people to have positive contact with adults. It's rewarding when there's trust built. Anyone who does this for the first time might well have their perception of young people challenged. If you're thinking of coming along, you'll find it's worth it just for that experience.
- A young woman and her younger brother (well-known to us at Outside Light) who's mother has been diagnosed with bowel and liver cancer. The boy hasn't been to school because there wasn't the money to buy uniform. Nick will be sorting something out there in the next couple of days on behalf of Outside Light.
- The couple who will be homeless on the 18th of this month who need nothing short of a miracle to help them.
- The re-start of both the drop-in's at Old Woking and Knaphill. Please especially pray for John Holland who's taking this on as leader for the first time. And give thanks for his enthusiasm and sense of fun too.
- Phil and the time and effort he's putting into Friday nights and to the young couple who are about to become homeless.
- The Friday night team - which goes out faithfully every week
- Christians to come forward on an occasional basis on Tuesdays/Thursdays, and share any skills with young people.
- The young people we meet, their growth, relationships and most of all the change in their lives that can come from only one source.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Hot Stuff
We need all kinds of people to help. This is the Lord's work and he's given you gifts to use for his glory - so this is an opportunity for you to use them - and to walk with God and see him at work, close-up.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
What's Happening on Friday Nights
"Outside the station in Woking town centre
Friday nights 10pm -12 midnight.
Outside Light is hitting the streets with the Gospel of our Precious Lord Jesus Christ.
Mid March of 2010 a new team was formed.
What an encouragement it has been to join together with like-minded people spreading the good news of Jesus late at night.
It's simple, all you need is a table, sweets, bottles of water, tea in a flask, gospel booklets and a team with a willingness to listen, talk and pray. AND GOD with us. Immanuel.
So far in two weeks we have talked and been friendly to loads of people, given out lots of tea and sweets, shared our faith, prayed with people, returned a potted tree to its owner and listened to a rendition of the best guitarists in the sixties and seventies performed by Dave on air guitar after he took a break from his night out to educate us in the art of guitar playing. We've also met up (as a direct result) with some who are homeless, showing them they're treasured and as much loved by our precious Jesus as we are.
It's a buzz to be out there, most of the time friendly and extremely fulfilling. This is where the church of Jesus should be, on the streets, outside the building, getting involved.
This is where true fellowship and growth happen.
We are going forward together. WATCH THIS SPACE.
Want to see action? Want to see Jesus at work - really at work - not just words from the Bible but the Bible coming to life? Come along and be a part of it. Email me at philhazelden@hotmail.co.uk - we'd love to welcome you along.
Outside Light Meets With Some Who Are Homeless
Myself, Malcolm and new Outside Light team member my wife Judi, it's great to see her wearing an Outside Light Jacket.
The initial contact came via the Friday night town centre outreach where we met G, a homeless guy since 2003.
The contact has been a strong one with G bringing along friends on a Friday to meet the team and have hot drinks etc.
We have talked with these guys, prayed with them, accepted them, they've accepted us and a good bond is beginning to develop.
There are many needs here, some of them food, athletes foot powder, waterproof bags, hot drinks all of which we need to provide with genuine care.
Friday is not enough, how can we not do more when we know the need these guys have and they are literally 10 mins walk away?
So this week for the first time an Outside Light team (and first time for me) ventured into Woking bearing gifts of food and treats pre-arranged with one of G's friends.
We met up and sat on a bench talking for an hour, read a bit from the bible at their request and shared out the food and stuff.
We came away with a small list of other essentials to bring next time and a sense that caring for others is rewarding in so many ways.
This has been a most exciting evening and we hope that it's a small beginning to something much larger.
God Bless.