Thursday, 24 September 2009

Fly Fishing by JC

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.

This story in the Bible always strikes me, these men who had a decent living dropped their nets and just followed Jesus, amazing. What I also like is that is all Jesus asks, he doesn't ask them for their CV or how much of the Bible they know, or how much evangelism they may have done in the past, the only requirement is that they follow him and HE will make them fishers of men.

Monday was generally a quiet night, the field we normally visit was silent, there was not a ripple in the pool, all was calm. It gave us a chance to check our nets, to listen to the call of Jesus and see where we needed to follow. We spent time going to a new pool that we have been checking out down the road, we threw some ground bait out and prayed and we look forward to what Jesus has called us into, it is up to him to make us fishers of men, we just want to follow.

It has been an exciting few weeks with ripples going out on the pond. We are in talks with another local church about supporting some fishing in their area, we are talking to some churches in the town centre in October, we have another meeting planned the following week for other church leaders, a large charity in Guildford is talking with us about teaming up. To be honest the problem we are facing is not where to fish but that we need more fishermen!

I don't know about you but I often read things like this and think this sounds great, good on you but it's not for me. I am not great with young people, I don't really like meeting new folk and so on. However there is something for everyone, we are all part of the body of Christ and we need all those parts to function. You are a valuable member of the team, yes you do have something you can offer, and more importantly, is Jesus saying "Come follow me...."
We really need a prayer team for Monday night, we currently have one member and need another to join so that when the team is going out there are people back at a house-base praying, could you help us in this way?

We are also moving into new territory, we want to reach out to the elderly and lonely, people who need contact with the outside world, Outside Light perhaps becoming an Inside Light on some occassions. Could you get involved in this way? Can you design flyers or posters? Can you mow a lawn or paint a fence?
Please contact us if you can help, Jesus supplies all you need.......


(Our thanks to Jackie Bolton for offering to pray-partner us in Old Woking on Tuesday evenings. We desperately need more to join us as prayer partners for Monday's as well as more volunteers for Monday's and Tuesday's please.)

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