Tonight I had a call from Mary, because Chill and Chat, which normally attracts 7 or 8 young people, had 20 or so turn up, so there weren't enough adults to cope. Of course the extra kids were the 'usual suspects' who appear to have become really comfortable in The King's House. We're blessed that we have the coffee shop and Eric's support, because as a result of a regular booking, The Vyne will be opening only 3 out of 4 Mondays in the month, so it's likely that we'll open the 4th at The King's House, I suspect.
We need to pray for the 10-year old, a lad we know, who allegedly helped set fire to the derelict house in The Broadway and whose mates allegedly locked him in so that he had to be rescued and taken to hospital. We don't know the full story but we know he's recovered.
Pray too for the ongoing building of good relationships with these great kids. One of them came up to me this evening and chatted for a good 20 minutes about school, life and stuff like that. I felt really privileged. I tend not often to approach the kids in case they think I'm a bit old to chat to them, I'm happy pottering around and serving; but it's cool that they're happy to chat to me and I suspect that as we see each other's faces more often, there will be other occasions when we'll be able to chat. Please pray for that too.
Much love
ReplyDelete....and I'll bet there is some idiot somewhere asking when you are going to bring them to church.
You and the team are demonstrating Gods Love, not taking the standard church approach and just telling them about it.
I am in awe of your courage, love and humility.