Monday, 11 August 2008


For the past couple of weeks on Monday evenings we've tried to chat to the lads who arrive on their motor scooters in Alexander Gardens Rec, but they've not been that keen. So this week we resorted to guerrilla tactics - we took food (much of it home-baked by Rob) and hot chocolate, with marshmallows and chocolate flakes. There's nothing quite like good food and hot chocolate to get the attention of teenagers :o). Below you'll see a short video clip, deliberately fast so that you can't identify anyone - but nevertheless you'll see a group sitting and lying on the floor. Again George is there, chatting and talking about Jesus.

Another, smaller group was playing in the corner of the field. We know them but they were a bit intimidated by the main group who are a little older. So Rob and Sam took drinks and food over to them to make sure they weren't left out.

Already these kids are getting the idea. Some are really surprised that we're taking them goodies, for free! Others are beginning to understand that we're doing it because we care about them. Some are still challenging, others are really very caring. Very often you'll hear one correcting another when they swear in front of us, or when they do something stupid like throwing marshmallows around. When I started picking up rubbish, one of the girls made a point of helping.

These are good kids at heart. Yes, in a big group they can behave in a silly way - but individually they're just normal kids. We hear there have been complaints from neighbours about youths on the rec, (although not when we've been there). We noticed this evening a number of cars speeding up and down the main road, a couple seemed to be racing each other. They used the car park opposite to sit in their cars and rev them up and to blow their horns. A couple of older people seemed to be with younger ones in the car park - partly it was they who appeared to be promoting the bad behaviour. Watching this going on I wondered what potential there was for these older people and the young men with fast cars to affect the thinking of the younger people. I'm glad we were there this evening to provide a counterbalance to all the negative activity that was going on around us. I think that on balance, the teenagers were more interested in the food and George than in the idiots blowing their horns and behaving like loons in their cars.

I really want to get over to everyone who reads this that the way we're able to express fellowship between one another, is very special. The best way of explaining it is that it's like having REAL brothers and sisters - the only difference being that you can't choose your real brothers and sisters :o) I was reminded of this this evening when Phil turned up after our time out. He'd been at an important meeting with his Church Elders where they'd been discussing Outside Light and how it fits with their vision for outreach to young people - but when it had ended, he made his way straight over to us to find out how our evening had gone. This wasn't the action of a mere friend.

There's real support and caring within the group and this can only be because Jesus is at the centre of it. We have a common purpose, which is to share the love of our Lord with those outside. For anyone thinking about joining us, or who is about to embark on a different adventure with Jesus, I'd just say that you'll never regret it. He's always to be trusted, always there and when we trust Him, He's always unifying.

You might have noticed that we've a new logo - our grateful thanks to George's mate, Mike Butcher. The graphics are fresh and contemporary and we shall be looking to use them on things like 'T'-shirts, so that we're easily identifiable when we're talking to young people. We'll also shortly build a website. Incidentally, the arrow signifies that we're designed to GO.

What we need, however, is a strapline/slogan that tells some of the story of what we're about but in a way that speaks into the lives of those we're trying to serve. Please may I ask anyone who feels they have some idea, to let me know?

Much Love


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