Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Knaphill/Brookwood on Monday

Monday - started with prayer, then George, Sam, Helen and Phil went ahead while I changed my shoes and made myself 'comfortable'. I needed to get some drinks and crisps so they went ahead. My feet hurt and I thought I was being clever because I had the perfect excuse to drive to the shop and then up to the field. How wrong I was. When I got outside, George had parked his car behind mine so that I couldn't get out of the driveway, so I ended up walking to the shop and then to the field with a bag of drinks and crisps into the bargain. :o)

This week there were only six or seven young people, but there was a quality of conversation that we hadn't had before. Helen took about three minutes before she shared the Gospel. Seeds were sown, questions asked! Football was played with some lads, then Helen and George wondered off to see some college girls sat down on the other side of the field, to tell them about the intended bbq on Monday. They were pleased and welcoming. So far these conversations have all been welcomed. I had wrongly thought that most kids would tell us where to go, but so far it's not happened even once!

There had been a few young people that George had met with earlier, who were on their way to a 'party' in Woking Park. Sadly there was the feeling that there was going to be a lot of alcohol involved.

Next week we're planning a bbq on Alexandra Gardens Rec. Last week we promised them a bbq in a couple of weeks. At the moment we don't have a bbq to do it on, so it'll be interesting. You'll read in George's contribution to the blog - above - that this week we had a large piece of bbq kit borrowed from someone very kind in Ripley, but unfortunately they've their own party on Monday. We're trusting God to provide but if anyone has a large bbq or an idea where we can get hold of one then that would be wonderful.

Can't let this report go by without adding in what Sam said by email, 'John last night was awesome especially as i feel it was the first time we managed to get into real conversation about what we believe in....SAM" For those who don't know, Sam's at The Winston Churchill School, a young Christian but already maturing in a way that makes me wonder what I did with the last forty odd years of my life. With that one comment he's blown me away. On Sunday at Holy Trinity Church, Knaphill we talked of 'encouragement'. I'd like Sam to know that he's an encouragement to me and I hope an encouragement to others who might be wondering how to share their faith but perhaps are a little reluctant about doing it because of fear of rejection, fear of being thought foolish, or just fear. If you're frightened, don't be. Really. Don't be.

Lots of love

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