This is Outside Light's new blogspot, we've moved it to this location so that all leaders will be able to post to it rather than have to send their content to me.
Tomorrow is the first of a series of church services in which Outside Light will be making a presentation. This one's at Calvary Church - which meets at Goldsworth Primary School at 10am next to Bridge Barn.
This is George's new video that'll get first showing tomorrow.
The couple who were about to be made homeless have moved into a semi-detached house that's owned by St Mary of Bethany Church. There's no doubt in our minds that this only came about because of God's intervention - starting with Nancy feeling that she should telephone St Mary of Bethany Church because she'd heard that they sometimes let property. She didn't know at that time that the house had become empty only a couple of weeks earlier.
The response from members of New Life Church to Phil's appeal for funds, was amazing. Others at New Life negotiated with the previous landlord's agent for a 'stay of execution' for a couple of weeks. It was only after the successful outcome of that negotiation that the other property was 'discovered' by Nancy. The paperwork for the new property was done and dusted in super-quick time so that it was possible for the couple to move in last Saturday - which was the day by which they had to move out! All glory to God.
Tuesday night at Old Woking
The drop-in restarted earlier this week, with a bbq that attracted 30 or so youngsters. This was generally a good evening although the youngsters were in high spirits ( a little too high on occasion ).
Thursday night at Knaphill
We started the new drop-in at The King's House two Thursdays ago - and couldn't have hoped for a better start. John Holland's vision and enthusiasm has really helped this off to a great start - with activities such as nail painting (provided by Trina, John's wife) and friendship bracelet making (with Mary). There was a small incident on the first night with one girl trying to take a policeman's hat. But the evening ended with another girl coming back after all the others had left, to apologise for their behaviour and to say thanks for putting on a 'great evening'.
Friday and Monday Nights
Hopefully Phil and George will update us shortly.
Humble apologies for the length of time we've been off-line. The youth teams did have a quiet August but in truth by the end of July we needed the rest. :o) That's not to say that all of the Outside Light Team rested - far from it!
During August the Friday night team has been going to the town centre between 8pm and 12 of a Friday night. They've taken drinks and sweets and met with clubbers/drinkers/revellers, as you might expect, and also with some people who are homeless and others who have massive problems with drugs and alcoholism. They've prayed with people, chatted to them, answered questions, valued them.
Coming from this a small Bible group has started on a Monday night, meeting at New Life Church. Phil will write more about this in due course, but he's been busy trying to help one particular couple who are threatened with imminent homelessness. (It's complicated).
Both Old Woking and Knaphill drop-ins will be starting up again next week, Nick and Paul will be leading the Old Woking group based at New Life Church. John Holland is heading-up the new Thursday evening drop-in which is to be based at The King's House. Tonight several of us walked around Knaphill handing out leaflets promoting the new Thursday drop-in and we met around eight or so of the kids who are well-known to us and are looking forward to the free pizza. Free pizza's always guaranteed to get their attention. Thing is though, they saw us walking toward them in the park and while we were still 20 yards away they were shouting hi to us and were really chatty and pleased to see us.
We're hoping to be able to provide activities for them so we're really, really praying for Christians with skills such as nail painting, crafts, smoothie-making etc etc, anything that'll be interesting to the young people, to make some occasional time available on either or both Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
There's a need for young people to have positive contact with adults. It's rewarding when there's trust built. Anyone who does this for the first time might well have their perception of young people challenged. If you're thinking of coming along, you'll find it's worth it just for that experience.
Prayer-needs: - A young woman and her younger brother (well-known to us at Outside Light) who's mother has been diagnosed with bowel and liver cancer. The boy hasn't been to school because there wasn't the money to buy uniform. Nick will be sorting something out there in the next couple of days on behalf of Outside Light.
- The couple who will be homeless on the 18th of this month who need nothing short of a miracle to help them.
- The re-start of both the drop-in's at Old Woking and Knaphill. Please especially pray for John Holland who's taking this on as leader for the first time. And give thanks for his enthusiasm and sense of fun too.
- Phil and the time and effort he's putting into Friday nights and to the young couple who are about to become homeless.
- The Friday night team - which goes out faithfully every week
- Christians to come forward on an occasional basis on Tuesdays/Thursdays, and share any skills with young people.
- The young people we meet, their growth, relationships and most of all the change in their lives that can come from only one source.