Wednesday, 21 October 2009

One Body Many Parts - and New Website

Long summer days seem a distant memory, but picture the scene when you are sat in a pub garden and the bees buzz around a pint of cider - or leave a pot of honey in the garden and watch them swarm.

It was a bit like that last night at Outside Light, really, we opened the door and it was like a very loud swarm of bees, young people creating a buzz in the air.

Someone had a snooker cue in one hand and a much larger young person's head in his sight within about 5 minutes; this sort of frenzied start usually means we are in for a good night spiritually.

Everyone was playing their roles brilliantly last night, we really want people to understand the team-work involved in something like Outside Light, if people aren't working together it simply wouldn't work. You have team members running the kitchen producing food, others policing, others engaging in conversation, others listening, others setting equipment, it goes on.

Much like a body, if one of those parts is not functioning then the whole body suffers and doesn't work. Some team members had to suffer last night in order to support the rest of the body, a bit like the foot has to take all our weight in order for the body to move about, that poor foot gets the brunt of everything, but take the foot away and you fall over!

We had the chance to share a simple presentation of the Gospel last night to a group of young people who really wanted to understand what Christianity was all about. We didn't force them to be there, they came along because they were invited to.

Although there were distractions some went away really wanting to get right with God and begin a relationship with him, we can't ask for more. In fact all we can do is share the news; really it isn't up to us how people react. So often I think people presume we are selling something, but the reality is that we are just news readers announcing something that has happened in history. It was an awesome honour to do that last night.

We are also seeing young people now join the Outside Light team and begging to help with policing and running the group; another young girl wanted to be prayed for as she had her first job interview today; a talent contest is also brewing for a few weeks time, so lots to give thanks for. Please give a special thanks to the foot last night too...

We are also now live with our new website, there is more to go up but please have a look around and let us know what you think

Much love


Monday, 19 October 2009

Outside The Walls

Well, last Tuesday was our first since opening the Drop-In this year that took place without a fight spilling out onto the road (youth, not team members!)

Again we had a great team, all working together. Robert was back!!

Andrew and Jo have started a low-key nurture group for the teenagers that wanted to become Christians a few weeks ago. We never thought that within three weeks we would actually have the makings of a nurture group. This is something we have prayed for for years!! These are un-churched teenagers learning about Jesus!!

Nick (team leader) has brought the drop-in alive with ideas for activity and with his catering skills is exploring the idea of food on a Tuesday night, much to the teenagers' enjoyment.

We are looking to get various activities going, like playing the drums, drama, talent contest etc.

I'd like to draw your attention to two youngsters who are coming along regularly.

One is a young lad who has a troubled background who has latched onto the team members and last week asked if he could become a team member and have an Outside Light t-shirt. We have seen this lad a few times. Please pray that we would be able to give him what he needs in the way of friendship and love.

Also a young girl studying for GCSEs. She has anger issues and struggles because of this to complete her schooling. She is a bright girl and could easily get good results if it wasn't for the things that hold her back and that are on her back.

These are just two of the many youths we see each week. There are many more, all made in God's image, all there to be loved even when they wind us up and behave badly.

But we are few! So, please get involved as a helper-volunteer if you can or join our prayer support team. We've noticed how this past couple of weeks there's been a more positive atmosphere over the Drop-In, and that's largely, we believe, because of the additional prayer support we've been receiving. But we also know that Satan won't let things be. He'll ramp up his activities, so we'll need to shore up our defences with yet more prayer. Prayer supporters aren't a luxury add-on, they're an absolute necessity, so please get behind us and please let us know that that's what you're doing.

If you can help in any way please contact me, (Phil), George or John and show your support. We are pushing forward. We face challenges and hurdles, even amongst ourselves we have doubts sometimes; this is all part of the battle. The more loyal people we have joining that battle the more we are able to press forward together in the footsteps of Jesus.

We want to be surrounded by the miraculous in what we do. Praise God for a team that is united in it's effort. Nothing will stop us if this remains. Join in if you can.


Outside Light is no longer just about reaching youth who are outside, we are now exploring other spheres of outreach, such as those stuck inside like the elderly, lonely, those who are hurting.

We believe that God wants Outside Light to serve those who are outside of the church walls! We are interdenominational - let's face it, where Christ is concerned, denominations are not relevant - they never were.

Outside Light is about loyal Christian brothers and sisters joining together to take action in the communities we live in, to not hold back with this but to work together to make it happen.

In 25 years as a Christian and church goer, I have not been part of a team like this, with its unity, love, acceptance and enthusiastic approach but most of all, its commitment to the un-churched and to Jesus Christ.

I really wish that you could be feeling what I'm feeling now - it's a feeling that only comes as the result of walking with others AND with Jesus, doing as he commanded and loving others. There's nothing better. No feeling like it. Nothing comes close.


Mondays - The Cabin
Mondays couldn't be more of a contrast. This evening the boys were playing chess and checkers. I almost had a heart attack at one point - one of the lads had stacked a pile of cans but inevitably they fell over. The heart attack was almost provoked when one of the lads actually got under the table to pick them up. I was shocked. It was a first - but I hadn't realised at that point that apparently he'd get a free lolly if he took them to the counter for disposal.

Another feature of Mondays is the girls and lads doing various crafts. I'd never have guessed that lads would do this - I think I've said in a previous blog that I'd not have been caught dead at their age making friendship bracelets. It just goes to show though, that society is totally wrong to stereotype young people. They're all different.

It's true that the behaviour of the kids in Old Woking is more challenging than it is here, but from my own eyes and from what Phil has reported above, it's clear that those kids are capable of better behaviour when they're given time, love and respect. It's just a slightly longer process with them but I'm sure that with Him leading us, we'll get there.

Much love

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Threats and Blessings

This last Tuesday at New Life Church was our first night of opening the drop-in for the young people that we have been meeting all Summer.

As the evenings now begin to draw in and with less youth hanging around and sitting on park benches, we started our Autumn/Winter plans in Old Woking.

The idea is to run a drop-in from New Life Church Kingfield. With some games (pool, cards etc), possible talent contest and a separate room for discussing topical subjects (very low key Alpha style) and generally being friendly to youth, and serving them drinks etc.

Well, Tuesday was the night to start. We had a BBQ lined up!

There was a good strong team. George and Simon went out to round up any youth hanging around. Jackie was there as prayer support. Nick and Richard took charge of the BBQ, and Nancy, Andrew and I went where we were most needed.

To start, a couple of youths we have known for a long time washed someone's car for cash.

The pool table was well-used and Richard tried to organise a few games upstairs in the hall with Jackie.

George and Simon started sending people our way and before long we had a good selection of the teenagers we had been meeting all summer up on St Peter's Rec. We had a number of lads who were 15-16.

What started off as a friendly atmosphere soon became threatening when one particular big 15-year old lad decided he didn't like a smaller 17-year old.

There were threats and counter-threats. What had been a peaceful start soon spilled out onto the road with a fight egged on by most friends of the two involved.

BUT, what could have been a discouraging evening was completly turned around by the friendliness and calm of all the team present; we really did have a sense that everything was in control and in God's hands.

Before we had to intervene in the fight, Nancy and I prayed that all would turn for good. And we saw that happen!

By the end of the evening another two people had been prayed for their healing, George had had some very positive conversations and 5 (FIVE!) teenagers wanted to know what it meant to be a Christian after their friend had asked for, and received prayer for healing.

When they were told what being a Christian meant, all of them decided that they wanted to be prayed for so that they could become Christians!

I'd just like to thank all the team for a great job and individual commitment, also boldness and faith.

This was the first week of the drop-in after a summer of making connections in the local community. We have a lot to look forward to! Thanks for all involved, it's a pleasure to be part of this Spirit-filled team.

New Outside Light meeting the Elderly, Lonely and Housebound.

As most people are aware, Outside Light has predominantly worked to meet youth in the local community. Most of our work over the years has been to connect with youth. This, though, is not all that Outside Light is about. OL is equally about encouraging and enabling churches to take the bold step to connect with their community and love the people around them regardless of whether they are potential church-goers or not.

OL is primarily youth-orientated because, when you go down a road in a local community, it is often youth that you meet first.

If you are interested at all in outreach to the elderly, lonely and housebound, we are looking to start a new Outside Light team to meet and pray to see what openings there are in your local community for this work to begin.

In usual Outside Light fashion, we will pray, prayer-walk, look for leads and build block by block with the Holy Spirit's leading. If you are at all interested or know someone who would be, or even if you/they want to be supportive in prayer rather than in a bodily way, please could you e-mail so we can gauge whether to push forward with this?

We're looking for confirmation that this is really on people's hearts and is therefore of God, and not just something that we've just thought of ourselves.

Many thanks.

Blessings to all - much love



We're looking for a second mission-field in and around Knaphill/St John's. Helen feels strongly that God has put on her heart that one of the areas near to The Winston Churchill School is a potential candidate for that. In order to resource that vision AND maintain our presence around The Vyne field and the drop-in, (now by popular vote called The Cabin), we will need yet more volunteers. It could be that some of those will come from St John's Church, but equally we're praying that God will lay it on the hearts of those from Holy Trinity Church, The Baptist Church and other local churches in and around Knaphill and St Johns to step forward in faith.

Thinking about this earlier in another context, the volunteers actually get as much out of volunteering as they give in terms of serving the young people and others. I can guarantee that stepping out and DO'ing will grow you as a Christian and as a person. You'll feel refreshed as a result. Where you were empty, you'll feel filled up. It's not ALL about giving. You WILL receive as well. I'm not suggesting that you serve others just so that you can benefit - but I do strongly believe that in serving others, a side-effect will be that you'll benefit too. I've found that it's a practical example of what is meant by 'It's better to give than to receive'.

If you're reading this and thinking I'd like to get involved some way but I'm a bit scared, or it's getting cold in the evening, or I'm not good enough because I just ate a barrel of biscuits to myself and therefore committed one of the deadly sins, then this might be your opportunity to do something positive, to see God working in a very real way (read Phil's report above) and to see lives changing for the better.
Much Love

From Phil:
Below are probably the most recent prayer needs in Outside Light.